Friday, November 18, 2011

Our House Sold

I know it has been awhile and Kyle asked me tonight if I have been blogging at all. I said no and looked and it has been over 2 months!! YIKES :(

So we are here to tell you that we have great news!!!! OUR HOUSE IN LINCOLN SOLD :)

Whewww...Can you say that is a sigh of relief. Kyle and I are very happy with this and we will begin building here in the next few weeks on our land outside of Ashland. I will try to record every detail and argument about building a house. YES there have been arguments and debates already about this house we are building. Let's just say I won with the white kitchen and Kyle won with a rather large garage. I don't get it? Men and garages. I guess that is something a girl will never know :)

We want to show you some pictures of our land before the demolition and after! As you can see it has been wiped clean of all trees and buildings. Our next step is to burn everything and then remove it. We are hoping for some nice weekends so we can burn :)