Monday, September 12, 2011

T-shirt Head Band

So I was browsing around Pinterest (again if you do not have this you need to get it ASAP) and I found T-shirt scarfs. I thought to myself well if you can make a scarf out of old T-shirts why can't I make a head band?? So the creativity kicked in.

1st I found an old white T-shirt that I didn't need anymore.

2nd I cut the bottom off because it had printing on the top half.

 3rd cut into strips. You can make these as large or small as you would like. I did a medium length strip so my headband would be a little bit wider.

4th unfold the strips and then fold them in half.

5th cut those strips in half.

6th grab three strips and sew together.

7th start to braid those strips. You can do this as tight or as loose as you want to. Just depends on what you want your headband to look like.

8th sew the bottom of the braid together.

9th then sew the entire braid together (the top and bottom need to be sewn together).

10th once you have as many bands as you like then you can start the finalization process. I decided I would do three because I wanted a thicker headband.

11th cut a small square of T-shirt out and wrap it around the braids. Once it is on tight sew it to the braids. Make sure this part is on the inside of the headband!

12th IMPORTANT. Make sure your headband is the right size before you sew it all together. Mine was a little bit so now I have to undo all the stitching to make it smaller. Measure before you finish!

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