Sunday, August 21, 2011

3-Day Weekend with HD and Oreo

I have been waiting for this weekend to come!! I love it when my nephew comes and stays with us in Lincoln. HD is now 17 months old and to top off his visitation we got Oreo for a 3-day weekend also.

Kyle and I didn't know what to expect with HD and Oreo at one time! So I picked both of them up on Thursday and came home for dinner. I didn't have time to cook so we had Runza :) After that the boys decided to play together. Here are a few pictures from that!

I took Friday off so I could spend some time with HD. I felt bad for Oreo because he was outside for most of the day so I could hang out with HD. I love them both equally!! Just wanted to state that :) Friday morning HD and I hung around the house for awhile until lunch time.

Then we thought we should get dressed and head out of the house for a little bit. We meet up with my friend Jennifer and had lunch at Olive Garden. HD colored the whole time and didn't really care for his meal because he was having to much fun with Jenn and the crayons! After lunch HD and I loaded up and drove back home where I carried him in because he was passed out. He took about a 3 hour nap so I laid back and relaxed. I got to hang out with Oreo during that time since I kind of ignored him all morning. Gotta spread the love to both nephews :)

Finally around 5:20 Uncle Kyle came home and decided to do some yard work. HD and I helped pick up sticks in the yard so he could mow. After Uncle Kyle was done mowing he decided to fix a door in the house. HD was all about helping him with this task. It was cute because HD was watching his every move. Uncle Kyle even gave him a tool (note to not give little kids tools!).

After the door was removed Uncle Kyle went outside to work in the garage. I think HD and I were driving him a little crazy :) At that time I was bored and so was HD. I decided we should build a tent in the living room. I gave HD a flash light and brought in the chairs, blankets, and pillows and started my building task. Once it was built HD was inside it with his flash light!

Yes I know what you all are thinking..."That's it?" Yes, that's all I had to work with!

After about 5 minutes of playing inside HD thought it would be more fun to demolish the tent that Aunt Mo created. He thought this was the best thing in the world! Wish you all could here his giggles. It was so cute!

After all of that fun it was bed time. The next morning HD woke up at 7 on a SATURDAY!!! I really did think kids slept in :S
So HD and I were up and going making pancakes when Uncle Kyle thought he should get up and go work in the garage again (this is a reoccurring statement that I make because he is just like his dad, Nick). Once we were all cleaned up and dishes were done I decided to take HD to the park so we could burn off some of that energy the little guy has, plus Aunt Mo needed to get out of the house!

Once at the park I found out that this kid is not scared of anything. He was climbing, crawling, sliding, and jumping everywhere at the park. I was more nervous than he was!! Here are some pictures of our time at the park :)

After the morning in the park we walked back home and had lunch with Uncle Kyle. It was then time for a 3 hour nap. HD had to get all rested up because Aunt Mo's friend Ashley was coming that night to eat and watch movies.

Once up from his nap Uncle Kyle played with HD and Oreo so they would stay out of the kitchen. I was trying to get dinner ready. I wanted to make a casserole. The casserole was called, "Mac and Cheese with Ham". I figured a 17 month old would love this as would I. I made Uncle Kyle late for the races because it took me a little bit longer to make the casserole than I thought. He was very kind to stay and help me out :)

Once Uncle Kyle was out the door to the races and Ashley was over, the casserole was ready! HD devoured his. I was quite pleased with it and so was Uncle Kyle (who ate it at 2 in the morning). Here are some adorable pictures of HD eating :)

Ashely stayed for one movie, "The Princess and the Frog" and for a glass of wine. Then she was off to her house and it was time for HD's bath. This kid loves his bath! I wanted him to get in and out because I really wanted to watch, "How to Train Your Dragon". YESSSSS I was being selfish :) So he hopped in and played for about 10 minutes and then mysteriously the bath drained, o-well I thought to myself. HD got out and it was time for our movie!!! We both laid on the floor with pillows and curled up and watched, "How to Train Your Dragon".

It was around 10:45 when I finally put him to bed :) I know it was late, but we were having fun and the movie was SOOOO good!!

The next day, today Sunday, HD decided to wake up at 6 and we went to the living room and watch, "How to Train Your Dragon" again :) I then had to take both my boys back to their moms this morning. I was quite sad and I didn't know what to do since I had no kid or dog to lug around and watch. Uncle Kyle on the other hand had this relieved look on his face when he told them by :)

This posting is pretty much to tell you that I would do anything for HD or Oreo. I love them so so so so so so so so so much and we all had a FUN 3 day weekend even with the lack of sleep.

As I end this I am laying in bed thinking it is time to sleep. Yes, I know, it isn't even 9, but I am running on less than my usual 7 hours of sleep :)

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